I previously wrote about our trip down to Kentucky a few weeks ago. After looking at a few apartments, Courtney and I needed to decide between two different options. For more details on the two options, you can read my post here.
We decided we would spend a week in intentional prayer and see where the Lord would lead us and hopefully one of us would feel inclined to change our minds on the apartment we would apply for. For myself, there were a series of events over the two weeks following our trip that have taught me a lot about making important decisions, about trusting the Lord in prayer, about trusting the leading of the Holy Spirit, and about the beauty of a life not lived for myself. Here are the situations that acted as definitive steps on our way to our decision.
very first thing that I believe lead to peace and clarity in our decision is a
prayer we prayed together the first night we got back home. Just before we fell
asleep we closed our eyes and we prayed, “God, we look to you for wisdom and
guidance in this decision. Please allow our hearts and minds to be open to what
you will lead us to, give us strength to be honest with each other about where
we feel you are leading us individually, and give us sensitivity to not ignore
your leading”. As soon as I said “Amen” I automatically sensed “you should
apply to the first apartment”. It was real, it was there, but it was just a
feeling, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
started a series at Harvest looking at the life of Elijah starting in Chapter
17. The first Sunday after we got back Robbie preached on 1 Kings 17:8-16 on a
message titled “Walking in the Will of God”. One of the points Robbie made was
that the will of God involves the test of believing. Both Elijah and the widow
were tested in their faith for the Lord. Robbie made the point that
contributing to the kingdom of God is always better than contributing to the
kingdom of self. Spiritual maturity involves growing in generous giving,
sacrificial giving, cheerful giving, and faithful giving.
was at around this time that I began looking into Christian biographies. One of
the biographies I heard our first week back was the biography of Charles Simeon.
I saw and heard about this man with whom the Lord walked for many years. I saw
the faith that the Lord gave him to endure trials, to not avoid suffering, and
to remain faithful in the calling he sensed for his life. He endured so much
suffering, so much disease, so many deaths in his family, so much
discouragement, so much affliction, so much discomfort, so much alienation, so
much hatred, and so much loneliness. When asked, after 49 hard years of ministry
he was asked by one of his friends how
he had surmounted persecution and outlasted all the great prejudice against him.
He answered, “My dear brother, we must not mind a little suffering for
Christ’s sake”. That line stuck with me. We indeed must not mind a little
suffering, and we must certainly not mind a good dose of discomfort. I was inspired
to have such a loose grip on material possessions and on personal comfort and instead
to have a strong vision and desire for the gospel, for ministry, for sacrifice.
of the things Courtney and I both knew would probably have to happen if we were
to choose the second apartment, is that we would probably have to stop our
sponsorship of our two little kids through Compassion Canada. By choosing to
stop the sponsorship of Yulianis and Lincon, we would essentially have the
$100/month that we would need to make things work at the second apartment. After
days of prayer, hearing about Elijah, hearing about, a pool and a nice balcony
didn’t seem as desirable as a ministering to people that might have never heard
about Jesus. It didn’t seem adequate or right for us to stop sending money to
our two sponsor kids who are being fed with the Gospel , with love, and with
daily necessities in Colombia through Compassion Canada so that we could enjoy
what would be a more comfortable and glamorous place. I began to see that this
decision was not about us, but like everything else in our lives, it was about the
all of these things, for most of the two weeks after we got back, I really
wanted to live in the second apartment and was kind of hoping that Courtney
would change her mind. At work, I would be thinking about how nice it would be
to have a pool to relax in during the hot summer, and to read and to study. I
thought about how nice it would be to have the nice patio. I thought about how
hard it would be to have such a tiny kitchen. I just thought about how nice it
would be to live in the second apartment. This is what I thought about, most of
the time. However, this is not what I thought after a deep time of prayer, this
is not what I thought after worshiping the Lord and hearing his Word preached
on Sunday, this is not what I thought after spending time learning about the
life of Charles Simeon. When I felt like I was leaning the least on my own
understanding, when I felt like was trusting the most in the Lord, when I felt
like I was acknowledging most his purposes and his desires, I thought about how
great it would be to live in the first apartment.
I thought about all these things, it seemed clear to me that if the Holy Spirit
does in fact lead the people of God, this is very likely the way He does that.
We ended up applying to the first apartment after being convinced that this was
the right thing for us to do at this point.