Last weekend Robbie taught the 9th sermon on the "Glorious Doctrine" series on the doctrine of sin. If you want to watch the video sermon, you can watch it by clicking here. The sermon focused on explaining the true meaning and implication of sin for all humanity. I didn't expect to hear too many things that were new and was just hoping that the truth would continue to transform and sanctify my heart and my affections for the Lord. I was wrong about the content, there was a lot of great content and important doctrine with which I've been wrestling and seeking to understand more clearly.
"Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness" - 1 John 3:4
The first point in understanding the doctrine of sin, is what sin is. John defines it as lawlessness - anything contrary to the law. This law is the perfect, moral decree, as outlined by God, which defines righteous living. We learned this working definition of sin:
SIN - anything (whether in act, attitude, or nature) that does not express or conform to the holy character of God as expressed in his moral law.
Because sin ultimately misrepresents the holy and perfect character of God as our creator, all sin ultimately is committed against God. A wrongful thought (even one that nobody else ever finds out about), a hateful comment, and an evil deed are all sins that are ultimately personal attacks on God. God as the creator and sustainer of the universe is also the law giver of the universe. As such, any rebellion to this law is a direct rebellion against the law giver Himself.
Robbie spent most of the time explaining and expositing the three aspects of sin outlined in the Bible: Inherited Sin, Sinful Nature, and Sins of Commission & Omission
“Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned" - Rom 5:12
b) SINFUL NATURE - Rom 7:15-20
“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do" - Gal 5:16-17
The "nature" part of our sin has to do with the effects of our inherited sin in our day-to-day lives. The sin we inherited from Adam manifests itself in us by the tendency to sin. Our "default" mode is not to do good, but to do evil. Our sinful nature renders us completely unable to do any spiritual good towards God. The sinful nature in us is sometimes referred to as "the desires of the flesh" - these evil tendencies are linked and tied to our physical bodies. Our "flesh" has urges, desires, tendencies - these are often thoughts or desires that seek to invoke a behaviour out of us and make a decision to walk in sin.
c) COMMITTED & OMITTED SINS - 1 John 1:8-9
“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness " - 1 John 1:8-9
The most well understood part of the doctrine of sin is this third aspect. Any evil deed, thought, or attitude we have is a sin of commission, where we commit an act that is contradictory to the character of God that He created us with and dishonours and offends Him. This third aspect also includes any good that is left undone - the sins that are committed by failing to do something right. We are commanded to love God with all our mind, soul, and strength. Failing to do this perfectly at all times is an example of failing to do what we are required to do.
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” – Rom 3:23
There is no greater disaster than falling short of the glory of God. Because we fall short, because we don't measure up to God's standards due to the continuous and relentless evil in us, we are cursed and deserving of the most devastating punishment. Our sin, this attack on the character and perfection of God as the ruler of the universe, rightfully condemns us and renders us culpable and guilty, deserving death.
The biggest take away for my heart in this sermon, is the light that this doctrine shines on my dark and unhealthy heart. This doctrine reveals what is behind all the evil that exists in the entire world and all the evil that I am responsible for. Our actions and our decisions are only the fruit and the result of an inherently tainted and dark nature. I believe that if you could put all of my thoughts, my desires, my words, my attitudes, my decisions, and my priorities on a screen for all the world to see, there would be no doubt in anyone’s mind that I am not inherently a good person, but rather a very imperfect and downright sinful person. This, according to the Bible, is the reality of all of our hearts and is the reason our souls are in such desperate need of new life and of a Saviour. Jesus Christ is the one that has given me new life and made me a new creation, my sinful nature no longer has free reign in me but now wars with the Spirit of God within me. I am saved, I have been freed from the futility of my natural being, and can rejoice in the hope of the promised eternal life.
My behaviour and my decisions can reflect one of two realities – they can reflect the presence of the tendency within me to rebel against God, or they can reflect the miracle of new birth through the Holy Spirit of God. Whereas before I was a Christian I couldn’t help but act in accordance to the sin within me, now with the Spirit in me I have the promise that it is the Spirit that will bear fruit in my life (Gal 5:22) in the form of good works for which I was prepared for (Eph 2:10). My job is to allow the Spirit to lead every area of my life and to submit to the Lord.
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